Sunday, January 25, 2009

to be or not to be

ok.. so, a friend (actually two friends) pushed me into blogging. and now the question no longer is 'to be or not to be', at least as far as having a virtual identity is concerned. so, here i am trying to carve out a niche for myself on the world wide web. my arguement against it had always been that what i think/write is usually too personal for me to want to share it with anyone who can find it with the click of a button. but then a valid counter argument in my own mind is that why do i think myself important enough for any random person to actually want to click that button and read my garbled string of words. and then maybe those who care to read may actually increase the worth of some of my thoughts/words. this rationalization has convinced me to get started, lets see how far it takes me and my thoughts :)

then while 'searching' (you know, the more common word for 'googling') for the title for this introductory piece i came across this interpretation for one of Shakespeare's most legendary phrases which seemed to inspire me further to go start writing. Several scholars have interpreted the line as the choice between a life of action ('to be') and a life of silent acceptance ('not to be'). so, here's beginning my life of action: action in the virtual world with a noble desire for being a catalyst for action somewhere in the real world :)


  1. There you go!!!! Want to hear more from you....Introduction was striking so eager to hear the Content...:)

  2. Since you seem to be in a Shakespearean mood: if "to be or not to be" convinced you to write, then perhaps Antony's "Friends, Romans, countrymen..." would convince others to read. :-)

  3. @ramnath: even though nilopa's post did not make me comment, your comment has.
    Please explain what it means??

  4. I am glad u started this blog.....look forward to read more of it.....

  5. @Avi: Just my two-cents worth of gentle humor.,_Romans,_countrymen,_lend_me_your_ears

  6. @ Ramnath, i'll will take that as positive feedback ;)
    and thanks everyone else, for the encouraging responses :)
